WCCT (Weesoe Community Communication Technologies) is a community-based, volunteer-supported ‘not-for-profit’ corporation set up to:
- deliver internet services in Deep River and Laurentian Hills using ‘state of the art’ technology,
- promote the use of internet-related communication technologies by area residents, and
- provide an on-going source of funding key to sustaining the Deep River & District Hospital.
The volunteer Board of Directors consists of Chairman/CEO Ross Judd, Director of Marketing and Sales Chris Knight, Board Secretary Rick Jones, Treasurer Meaghan O’Quinn and Directors Dave Cox and Lucas Balemba.
WCCT was incorporated on September 16, 2016 and has grown steadily to the point where as of January 2020 it serves over 600 customers with a variety of options including unlimited internet and telephone services. The company continues to invest in improvements to its infrastructure and now delivers wireless internet to 90% of its customers via 28 towers located in Deep River (18), Laurentian Hills (6) and Chalk River (4). Expansion is on-going as new towers and fiber optic cable connections to the tower network are commissioned in Deep River and Laurentian Hills.
In December 2020, WCCT received a $60,000 contribution from CNEA/CNL to accelerate upgrading its broadband point of presence to 10 Gbps and the distribution of bandwidth to its customers. These improvements will be completed in the second quarter of 2020 and will greatly improve the ability of CNL employees and students to work and study from home.
The Town of Deep River and the Municipality of Laurentian Hills have been working with WCCT to try and secure funding from the Province and Federal Government. Three applications for funding were submitted in 2020. If successful, funding of these projects would allow WCCT to reach more households in the area and to accelerate the roll-out of improvement that will allow WCCT to offer higher speeds – 25/5 and ultimately 50/10.
Initial support and donations to the Deep River and District Hospital include cheques totalling $15,000 and an additional $15,000 for a much needed utility tractor for year-round hospital property maintenance, e.g., grass cutting and snow removal. In late 2020 the Deep River Community Association and WCCT agreed to co-fund a project to provide fiber optic broadband service to the Deep River & District Hospital and the Four Seasons Long Term Care for use by DRDH, inpatient and long-term care residents, and caregivers, family and friends.
WCCT is named after the “Weesoe”, a Cockburn Pointer Boat that was built at Chalk River in 1954 for Blimkie Lumber and used to pick up deadheads. It was donated to the Deep River Yacht and Tennis Club in 1959 and used as a ‘crash and general rescue boat’ until it was scuttled and sank to the bottom of the Ottawa River in 1970. The name was chosen because the “Weesoe” is a historical link between Chalk River and Deep River. Its history represents the kind of community involvement and cooperation that is core to the success of WCCT.

The Weesoe fully crewed and then some …